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What is the VolumaLift™ Treatment?

What happens when we age?

How is the VolumaLift™ treatment performed?

How long does the VolumaLift™ take to perform?

 Is the VolumaLift™ painful?

Are there any risks to VolumaLift™?

Can I combine my VolumaLift™ with other procedures?
Is the VolumaLiftTM painful?

The VolumaLift™ is not very painful. The skin is frozen with local anesthesia prior to the procedure and the needles are passed through only the frozen skin. The injectable gel used during a VolumaLift™ is deposited very deeply along the facial bones, where there are very few pain fibers. The injectable fillers are much more painful when injected into lines than when they are used deeply to contour and shape the face. There is virtually no pain after the VolumaLift™ is completed.

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